Friday, September 18, 2015

Priesthood Definitions

Robert’s Journal Entry

September 18, 2015

Hello World,

First, isn’t today wonderful?! Also…

I am starting to explore different formats and fun ways to try and present my writings, so bare with me as I do so.
I started college, a few years later than most, but with a conviction that I will find a path for me. I am doing it through the wonderful program offered through Brigham Young University - Idaho called “Pathway.” It offers students a unique way of learning through an independent study program, but working in tandem with missionaries and instructors to allow you to stay focused and successful. Anywhosit, the purpose of my class is to learn, obviously, but it is through exploring my thoughts through journaling and questioning the things that I observe, hear, and learn in the program.
Yesterday, our wonderful missionaries asked me if I could define three key things in correlation with the Priesthood: Priesthood Keys, Priesthood Power, and Priesthood Authority. I will now try to do so in my own words, this is before I have looked anything up and is solely based on what I have already learned and encountered in the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Priesthood Keys - To me, these seem to be directly related to task, ordinances, and actions that we must fulfil here on earth. These keys represent the dominion entrusted us by Heavenly Father. It is given to the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to hold the keys of this dispensation, and he is then tasked with the delegation of these keys to local authorities so the aforementioned tasks, ordinances, and actions of building up the kingdom of God are administered.
Priesthood Power - This signifies the endowment of ability and talents to fulfil the work of God. This power is given to both men and women. We know that it is by priesthood power that the world was created, and clearly it is a power granted unto men to continue in the stewardship of multiplying and replenishing the earth for example. However, there are specific powers that are meant to be maintained in their sacredness by living worthily and righteously. Childbearing is the greatest of these examples. It is a power extended to all men, but not all men do it with the divine sanction of Heavenly Father. Power comes from obedience. The priesthood power is the obedience to God’s commandments and being instruments in the fulfilling of our responsibilities.
Priesthood Authority - This is related to the responsibility given to each of us to fulfill duties. A missionary is given the authority to teach and testify with power by their Stake President and Mission President, but this lacks the power behind it if the missionary chooses to not live worthily and obediently. Authority is the responsibility, this is middleground between power and keys because it is this authority that represents the specific task that you are instructed to accomplish. Hometeachers are given the authority to teach those under their stewardship, Bishops and Stake Presidents the same. The authority means that the proper key has been given to you, and now you strive to obtain the power to implement and achieve the desired results in the kingdom of God.
I am sure that I will gain a better understanding of these principles as I go on in life and more fully utilize each of them, but for now that is the basic knowledge that I can express. I feel that there is always something out there to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, but it also seems to me that there is a large essence that is strictly personal. Behind the clear light of God’s love for each of us is a relationship that words will never capture and cannot be expressed to this mortal shelf.
I have been an instrument in the Lord’s hands before, I have been mended by other tools in His hands, I have been loved, I have loved, still nothing can say it better than:
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
19 We love him, because he first loved us. (1 John 4)
Lots of love,


  1. My Dad is a priest
    but, yet, they had me
    to go into the world
    and proclaim the GoodNews
    (literally N on this).

    Meet me Upstairs someday, bro.
    Let's gitta BIG-OL-BEER.
    Gotta lotta tok about.
    cya soon...

    God bless your indelible soul.

  2. My Dad is a priest
    but, yet, they had me
    to go into the world
    and proclaim the GoodNews
    (literally N on this).

    Meet me Upstairs someday, bro.
    Let's gitta BIG-OL-BEER.
    Gotta lotta tok about.
    cya soon...

    God bless your indelible soul.

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