Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Si tu le desirs‏

Was that a little misleading? Don’t worry your little heads about me, everything is just fine and dandy over here in AFRICA!! You know, sometimes I forget that I am in Africa, not quite sure how that happens but it does. It was funny, the other day a funeral procession was coming in front of our house, all the people with their best somber faces, the band playing its best… I really don’t know what kind of music… and then a thought popped into my mind, and I will say it exactly how it came out of my mouth, “That’s a lot of black people!” *slaps myself in the forehead* (figuratively) because I am stupid and forgot that I only see one other white person on a daily basis.
Yes, sometimes I am stupid, and yes.
So today I wanted to just share with you an entry in the wonderful study journal that I so entitled “Si tu le desires” and it is from the 15th of this month. It says:
 “… Il faut que vous ayez le désir vif d’apprendre’ (PME p.17)
“You see often missionaries that are here only because they know a mission is what’s expected of them and because it gives them the chance to see the world, in other words, you see the mission being taken for granted. This is something that I feel I know quite intimately because of my past experience with a mission. Though I avoid dwindling on my past it is something that I have learned many things from.
I listened to a talk this morning called “Ears to Hear” by Henry B. Eyring back in April of 1985. In this talk he speaks about the fear that sometimes envelopes us or the doubts we acquire because we don’t really know what we are hearing, missionaries and investigators alike. That starts the question, what are we hearing as we teach and as we study?
“This is the word of God! We are preaching the word of God each and every day! We are talking to His children, we are His children. We are talking about His miracles and His blessings, His promises to the world. We aren’t just saying useless and meaningless words; we are carrying the Lord’s banner throughout the world.
I fall into the category of missionary that often forgets the true purpose and reason that I am here. I feel as though in some lessons I am just going through the motions, answering questions with my own knowledge and not with the power and authority of my call, which all comes from the Spirit, and at times I chase Him away because of the distractions that I place in my head.
"C’est surtout lorsque le Saint-Esprit vous instruit que votre etude de l’Evangile est efficace. Commencez toujours votre etude de l’Evangile par une priere pour que le Saint-Esprit vous aide a apprendre. Il vous apportera une connaissance et une conviction qui seront une benediction pour vous et qui vous permettront d’apporter desx benedictions a d’autres personnes. Votre foi en Jesus-Christ augmentera. Votre desir de vous repentir et de vous ameliorer grandira." (PME p. 18)
Often it is just that simple, but it is so hard to do. Within ourselves rages a war against carnal desire and spiritual desire. WE allow the carnal to win so many of the battles that it is hard to give way for that spiritual side to grow. We need to give all of our heart and body to the spiritual.
“Eveille-toi, mon ame! Ne languis plus dans le peche. Rejouis-toi, o mon cœur, et n’accorde plus de place a l’ennemi de mon ame !’ (2 Nephi 4v28)
 I need to place all of myself into this work. I cannot waste time in laziness or in my own selfish desires. I have two years, two years only, to be in this wonderful spot of the world and work with these amazing children of God. I have been chosen to come here by my Heavenly Father and called by His prophet to go forth with faith and do the things that I KNOW to be right.
Despite the challenges I may face with language or companions or members or investigators, I know that this work is true. I have heard the word of God, and I know that is why I am here. I am bringing light to a dark place and allowing the word of God to echo through me to their hearts by the power of the Holy Ghost. I have that desire, now it is time to put that desire into faith and action. 

I have been blessed by the Lord in my life, even in times when I don’t feel I deserved blessings, so why on earth would I doubt He would bless me when I am doing the things He has asked of me. Doubt comes from selfishness. A worry that things won’t go the way YOU planned, but it is God’s plan that will always bring the most pure joy and happiness. I want my mission to be bursting at the seams with joy and happiness.
 My week has been a really spiritual week. There have been ups and downs as there always will be, but like Monty Python has wisely instructed us, “always look on the bright side of life!” Optimism is a marvelous thing, and what helps a soul in need is hearing the word of God spoken through His prophets and apostles. I encourage all to read or listen to a conference talk each week. You will feel the Spirit of the Lord if you are searching for that peace that is promised through this Comforter.
On Saturday we had the awesome opportunity to help with the “Mormon Helping Hands” here in Lomé. All the members of the Church gathered at TogoTV or Television Togolaise where we cleaned their whole campus. Essentially that means that we gathered together all of the weeds and set it on fire! :) There was lots of smoke, lots of fire, and Miss Togo, though she only drove by in her Citroen and gave us all a wave.
Lessons are going well, investigators are progressing. We have a good bunch of members and investigators, and things are truly looking up for Kodjoviakope!
Thanks for all of your mighty prayers! The Lord blesses all of His children, and those that seek the best for others will be rewarded tenfold as well. Selflessness, love, charity, and hope. Lots and lots of prayer is included in that as well. :)
 Love you all! Have another great week throughout the world and in whatever you may be doing!
Elder Robert Eugene Haggard II

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