Monday, December 30, 2013

Les Enfants Du Monde Entier

I don't know about you, but Christmas had a few bumps in it this year, but in terms of the mission, I am now halfway done, just one more to go! Crazy to think like that, but I am sort of a crazy guy. There was an interesting story that happened on Christmas, but I think that is one best left untold (just mentioning it to make you all sit on the edge of your seat). What's Christmas without a little... excitement?

It was great to see and hear my family! I had a good time talking with folks back in home, and the happiest day of the year has a mighty high fall when it is all said and done. Despite Christmas not existing here in Togo the spirit comes as you get to spend precious moments with those that you cherish. Easily I can say that I miss my loved ones, but just as easily I can tell you all that I love being here on my mission even through all the things that I miss.

I am looking forward to this amazing new year, all the joys and wonders that await us all. It has become a time to resolve to do better, to strive a little harder for excellence, to do all that we can to perfect ourselves and become the examples to the world so often mentionned by the Savior.

There have been so many chances granted unto all of us to better ourselves, but for one reason or another we seem to fall short of our personal expectations, why is that?

In personal experiences I have learned that our biggest critic is ourselves. We have amazing capacities to see the bad all around and in ourselves as well. We are narrow-minded as we look for the good and bad that is in the world, I have typically only been able to see one side of this spectrum. I spent many years of my short life seeing me as bad, whether there had been good or not it did not matter, I saw only bad. It took the loving support of others, and the divine help of the Redeemer to bring the light into my heart to see the good within myself and the world around me.

My point(s) is/are this:
1.) When you want to change, don't think that it will be as easy as telling yourself, get those around you to help you through this process.

2.) Don't allow yourself to think that there is nobody there, there is always the Savior close-by for those that sincerely seek. Those the ask with a heart full of real intent have the eternal promise that we can overcome whatever is holding us back.

Life is a thing to be cherished, and just like the coming of a new year, a restart to the year that we have just topped off, we can always change who we are and make ourselves better. We can become that better friend, that better father or mother, that better husband or wife, that better hometeacher, that better missionary (my hope), that better student, that better son or daughter of God. Life is a chance that we have to better ourselves in such a way as to become eternal, and it doesn't start tomorrow.

The cliché line is "tomorrow never comes" but it is so very true. The day that we have been given to live within is the perpetual today, and we can hope and dream for our castles and mansions as long as we want, but we MUST start today in working for those things that we desire. We gain with time the ability to see the things that are vital for this eternal life we aspire for, and those things that if held onto would weigh us down. There are my hopes and dreams that I am striving for here on my mission, and I know that the preparations and changes that I make here will forever bless my life if done sincerely.

My heart goes out to all of you as you "restart" the year, and I pray that each of you find a worthy ambition and strive for it. Put your hand to the plow and don't look back. Let the Lord be your guide, your everlasting light in the wilderness of self-discovery, and your stalwart companion to lift the burdens of your daily cross as the jungles of the world attempt inevitably to ensnare you. The road to eternal life is a simple and hard one, but it is anything but impossible. It has been walked perfectly before, and the pathway is well-lit by the torches of the gospel. Make your inheritance of the kingdom of God your first ambition, and the rest of the blessings you desire will surely follow.

Love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Robert Haggard

Mission Bénin Cotonou
Cadjehoun Lot°1158 Bloc F
01 BP 3323
Cotonou, Bénin

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