Thursday, February 06, 2014

I Guess its February Already

Dear Family and Friends,

This week, unproductive in terms of continually exciting, had a high point as we were visited by Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy! :D It is always amazing to be in the presence of someone that has clarity of spirit that is often rare in a world like ours. It is a magical experience as one listens to the loving words of a disciple of Jesus Christ teach you the will of the Lord. It was AMAZING! 

It was a very interesting approach on Agency and its eternal principles. We are not given the choice to choose between red and green or articles of clothing, we are given the choice to choose between the things of moral standing such as good and evil. These things require knowledge and a capacity to discern, whereas what tie I will wear has no significance on an eternal scale and don't contribute at all in the war of heaven. It's come to a point in the world where people worry more about their temporal well-being and neglect their eternal responsibilities by saying that it is by merely confessing a belief of Christ that one is saved. We abuse the idea of agency by saying we are saved by grace and avoiding all personal efforts to work out our own salvation. 

It was equally amazing to see how intelligent and independent the wives were also. They could stand their own, but they complimented their husbands perfectly. There was a love and respect between the spouses, and it was highlighted that now is the time we prepare ourselves to have eternal companions as we learn to deal with the difficulties and hardships that come daily in missionary companionships. This was then again tied into the principle of agency as we are not meant to force our companions to do anything for it is their decision to be obedient and to work diligently for their own salvation. 

It is a true testament to me when the questions that had been turning in my heart and mind were resolved through the prayerful direction of these men that prepared their lessons. You are able to serve more effectively as you search for the Spirit of the Lord, and you put into practice the truths that are found in prayer and diligent scripture study. I have a difficult time of being hopeful as often as I should, but as I turn to the Spirit that is carried by prophets and Apostles I find the comfort that I earnestly seek and a renewal in my conviction to press on.  That is one of the many reasons I listen to General Conference on an almost daily basis. Everyone should listen to and study 'The Plan of Happiness' -Dallin H. Oaks October 1993, answers A LOT of questions still being disputed by the confused of the world.

In general the week was not very productive (as said at the beginning) but the key points of the week were that I saw Elder Clayton, I am no longer sick, I got my "Nutella" (white and milk chocolate mix yummy!!!), and I am still working. Life is good to me, and I hope beyond hope that it is the same for you all as well! I love my mission, and we are still deciding if it loves me in return, but nothing to worry, I am a smooth-talker and will win her over! ;) 
Never loses the smile!

Love you all! Have another fantabulous week where-e'er you may be! Talk to you later! Au revoir et adieu!

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