Thursday, May 08, 2014

KPALIME (Pally-may)

Dearest Loved Ones,

Please don't take it personally if I do not respond to you personally because I don't have much time, nor does the internet much enjoy working at the moment. Know that I love you all and I hope for the best for each and every one of you!!

Today, being Monday March 17 2014 we had an activity for all the missionaries here in Togo where we went and visited Kpalimé, it was AWESOME!!! I finally got to see a part of Africa that tourists all dream to see. Kpalimé are the cascades, or waterfalls, north of Lomé in a jungle-y area, there were sadly no monkey sightings (if we don't include those normally in shirts and ties). I am thoroughly content, and physically drained from the hike.

I don't know if I can explain how gorgeous the hike was, nor the beauty of the sounds that created the atmosphere. It was great! I will do my best to try and attach one photo, but no promises.

The week has been a pretty good week all-in-all, plenty of people taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and myself counted amongst the crowd. Every day there are new things that take me to higher plains of thought, not difficult but it nevertheless happens! I learn how to better my life and grow closer to my Savior, so the only hope is that I will keep this habit with me throughout my entire life. My companion, Elder Florion, and I are getting along splendidly as we turn this secteur around! The lessons keep rolling and they keep coming to Church, so I have nothing to complain about. I have an achy body and due to consistent laziness that pain may last a little while.

 OH WELL!! :D :D

Life is trucking along! I had an experience this week that taught me an important lesson. In regards to the "Law of Chastity" (sp? My English-dar is off) and how the majority of the world has no idea what abstinence is! Crazy, huh? They just think of it as a natural compulsion that needs to be sated, they seem to forget the powers attached to this act. As we sat there explaining the issues that so easily envelope the carnal world, we spoke of the beauty of the family. We showed our investigators what President Kimball called a "glimpse of heaven" and it was beautiful. I have gained a love for the family, the idea and that of my own, through this mission, the love that God has for each of us can be made manifest when the sanctity of the family rests intact and we strive for the purity of heart that is necessary in loving our spouse and our children. It is a good lesson for all of us to learn.

Well, thanks for listening to my rants. I am tired, and have no time, but I love you all!! Don't worry about me, and don't think that because I couldn't write you all it means I am mad at you or upset, thank you all for writing me! Love you!!!


Elder Robert Haggard
Mission Bénin Cotonou
Cadjehoun Lot°1158 Bloc F
01 BP 3323
Cotonou, Bénin

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