Thursday, May 08, 2014

Goodbye Togo

Heya Everybody!!!

So it's been a crazy ten months spent with these amazing and wonderful people here in Togo, but the call came and I am off to Benin. I will be serving in Calavi, which I think is where Elder Lynch is so we will be reunited after all this time!!! I may fall over like an over-excited dog as one pours his food. :) My companion will be Elder Mou-tham, another Tahitian! I am super sad that I won't be able to finish the training with Elder Florion, but he is already a great missionary so I need not fear for my son. Crazy huh!?!? When next I write I will be in another country, another time zone, hearing another language that isn't Ewe, funny how the mission changes so quickly.

The week has been pretty slow going, but the amis that we have are pretty dang awesome, progressing and getting ready for baptism. It is a bit of a heartbreak as I see these wonderful people come so close to baptism after I have worked in this secteur for 5 1/2 months and not a ton of visible proof of advancement was made. Elder Florion and his new companion will be left with a field loved and labored and they will be able to harvest, the satisfaction comes with knowing that no matter what missionary finishes the labor the "job" is done. It was hard bearing my last testimony in Sacrament meeting... I hate that feeling of bitter sweetness, you just don't know if the good outweighs the bad, but I accepted to go willingly and faithfully where ever the Lord would send me and that will forever remain my disposition to the Lord.

I have tried countless times to download photos, but the internet seems to be rotting away the longer I stay here in Bè-Kpota, but I will be heading over to the university in Calavi, but I don't know if that means anything, but it makes sense that universities have better connection... wouldn't be the first time if rational thinking was proved wrong though. I have AMAZING things that I want to show all ya'll, but some things we need to wait to appreciate together. 

We were teaching a few of our progressing investigators, and we were at that point where the heartfelt invitation to be baptized was coming, and they knew it. They were smiling, they began joking around a bit which is the natural reaction for all of us as we sense the situation thicken, but they accepted. They were prepared. The golden investigators exist! Testimony received yet again! I love my mission! 

Aside from these things nothing big has really happened, a couple journal moments that require moments of reflection before I share those moments with others, but always a moment to grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Finding out more and more who I was before, who I am, and where I want myself to go and become with God's help and approval. Thanks for the love and prayers! Love you all!

Elder Robert Haggard

Mission Bénin Cotonou
Cadjehoun Lot°1158 Bloc F
01 BP 3323 
Cotonou, Bénin

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