Sunday, September 14, 2014

Simply Stated

Hey Friends and Family,

I guess this week will focus on the email that I have received from my Mission President, which stated: 

"Elder Haggard,
 The 16th of September will be your departure date.
 Dr. Brown and I have carefully reviewed your medical condition and both agree that it’s best to medically release you and get you to a qualified specialist near your new home in California.  We understand you have an appointment with a Pudendal Nerve Specialist in Southern California on the 29th of September, and request you keep that appointment."
I have one more week of my mission... I will be going home to Oxnard to seek out the medical attention required. It is difficult, but it is something that we all feel necessary to help fix whatever is wrong with my nerves. Thank you everyone for your love and support. I will have another Saturday here on the mission, so if you have questions or things like that for me by next week, feel free to write. Love you all!

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

The Week Of Elder Haggard‏


Sometimes your mind gets so full of other things that you can never find a trail that leads to productive thinking, you go round and round in the wilderness of your mind hoping and praying for the direction needed to traverse the valleys, and crags of the desolation that lay between my ears. The joys , the hopes, and the thrill seem the only thing that push us on as the howls of lurking jackals invade the sanctuary of the soul. Despite those ravenous yelps, we press on in the faith.

We had a very very productive week, one that I am happy with, but there is always room for improvement. We have so far taught more lessons than I have in a while, so it brought lots of warmth to my heart. There are so many wonderful people that we are teaching, and many that are preparing themselves and advancing towards the waters of baptism and eternal covenants with Heavenly Father. Our pool is also so vast! We have people in France, Ireland, Scotland, Jakarta, and littered across the US, so we get a healthy dose of culture and friendship. :)

On Sunday (just following when we "spoke" last) I taught Relief Society, at the request of the Relief Society president. She asked me to speak on the Priesthood and its role and blessings in the lives of both men and women. Let's talk about daunting! There is nothing more nerve-racking than going in there... for any reason! I think it went well, could be wrong. The wards we serve in are pretty snazzy, the people are cool and kind, and they are willing to help and teach me quite a bit each time I interact with them. I'm hoping that I gain their trust and friendship enough to stay friends after my mission. 

We had a neat Zone Conference with the Provo Mission, pretty astounded by the spirit and teachings of those lessons. President McCune is a great leader, and his insights are direct and loving. There was a love and harmony amongst the missionaries that united them and invited the Spirit in abundance. Being an "outsider" you can start seeing how people investigating the Church can find themselves easily intimidated by the members if they don't reach out and bring them in. We really need to make sure people feel welcomed and loved as they come to Church or into our homes, or else they will be scared. They will be able to feel the Spirit, but the Spirit also needs a conduit such as words of kindness that will invite those visiting to attach themselves to you. 

I saw my doctor on Thursday, the 28th, and nothing was discovered, but options were discussed that they think I should see a specialist that is located in Santa Monica. I don't know if that will happen, but I will know soon enough. For those that don't know, Santa Monica is pretty close to where I live in California, so close that I would stay there if I ended up going... Awkward.... We shall see. 

Everything is going well in life! I am loving the mission, though a little scatterbrained at times. I am happy, moderately healthy, not stressed, and progressing both spiritually personally, and in terms of helping others. I love life, my companion and I are going well, I think... 

That is about it for the week! Hope you all have a fantastic one as well! Love you all!

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Long Distance Spirituality‏

Dearest People Near and Far,
Well it has been a fun and exciting week full of lessons and unique opportunities. I had started a few weeks ago to email with a French investigator in…. France… who has been meeting with the local missionaries, but feels as though things just aren’t progressing anymore because she wants to understand the Book of Mormon. She has been reading it and reading it, but for her it is enthralling and believable in all the same ways that Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings (Seigneur des Anneuax) are, she can put herself in the story, but with all the excitement it feels more fantasy than anything else. The exciting thing that happened in regards to that is that we were able to meet with her over google hangouts, so I got to rap the French to an actual person and not just type it out. She is an awesome person, but she has rough things that she has to deal with. She was also one that lived up to the stereotype of a French person that criticized my French even after last week being pumped up because a French guy told me I had a good accent… Peoples is confusin’!
 Also we found a pretty awesome girl from Ireland who decided randomly to give up alcohol five weeks ago, and then felt drawn to the Church. Like most Irish families, hers is Catholic and provide her with plenty of opposition, encouraging her to drink regularly and just hating Mormons in general. She doesn’t care though, she says that she knows what she feels and what she has read and believes it. She even quoted Joseph Smith on her Facebook, “In one of the readings by Joseph Smith, The Lord said 'Behold, I do not bring The Book of Mormon forth to destroy the Bible, but to build it up'.” Pretty dang awesome! She also accepted the Baptismal invitation to be baptized on September 13th! (I’d like to point out that the Frenchie is running into the same family opposition as the Irish.)
 The baptism that was scheduled for this week was postponed because we were unable to link up with the local missionaries, which is a downside to being so distant, but we are now able to just work a little harder and push through the anxiety of the nervousness and cold-feet. There really isn’t a downside to being here when it comes to the distance because, these three investigators are in Iowa, Ireland, and France… I don’t know many other missions that have such a wide range to spread the gospel. It’s a great blessing! I guess a plug to help the international missionary force, does anyone have friends that live a little ways away that would be interested in learning more about our beliefs, always happy to help! J
 We had a nice little chat with our Mission President Thursday to help us get a picture of how to better work with members. We are always looking for opportunities to work with the members in teaching their friends and families all over. I guess we aren’t very well known, and members typically visit to send referrals, but not really introduce the missionaries and work with them in the interactive process of teaching. I don’t know about you, but I trust my friends more than some random dudes talking with strangers on the internet, and so we need to team up and work towards helping our friends together. So the plan is just a little more interaction with the members, but the refining of that plan hasn’t really taken place.
 On the personal side, no advances on the nerve damage stuffs, but I do now wear the glasses stuffs. They are weird at first, hard to adapt, and if I walk in them I feel rather motion sick, but they work and are good at sharpening the images on the screen and my ability to read the endless lines of text that we pour through every day. I guess next thing on the list is braces, but that is going to be pulling a close second after the “I should probably lose weight” feeling. Anybody that was wondering, I have put on twenty 2-0 pounds in the 3 months that I have been here. :/ I guess sitting at a desk all day isn’t very beneficial on the health front. I’m not huge, but about the same as when I originally left to Africa, I just didn’t realize how much I lost when I was there. Words of wisdom about my back come the 28th of this month, but don’t know what light they will bring.
 If anyone has questions for me, or just loves me and wants to like email me… or write me… or send me a package… or spam my mailbox with hate mail…. You can feel free to do that. I wouldn’t mind it. But you can probably not do the hate mail thing, that’d be appreciated… Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Elder Haggard's Week‏

Hey Everyone!

Well this week I have been sick, congestion and whatnot, so a little rest was needed, but funnily enough it has also been one of the most productive weeks in terms of teaching lessons since  I got here. I am starting to realize that I have great weeks, but it when Saturday rolls around  I am pretty tired of sitting at a computer typing and so you all get short-changed. Sorry about that! 

OH.... CONGRATULATIONS AUSTENNA!!! They is getting hitched today, about twenty minutes away from me! That is pretty dang sweet! I wonder if there will be any single friends when I get home, but then I also notice that I serve in Single's Wards here so I am making lots of friends that are single. Still don't know if they won't be married in the next little bit, but that is unforeseeable. 

In other news, I am getting glasses! I had always kind of wanted glasses, but also didn't because I had really good vision, but the hipster within yearned for the second set of eyes. Those should be coming in sometime this week. They think it may be because of how much time I spend on a computer, but then I think back to how I played hours upon hours of World of Warcraft and never had headaches or problems, but ever since my nerves went whacky problems keep adding on. 

Another thing about my health is that I got a Nerve Conduction Survey done, and they sat there with a little zapper and tested all the nerves and their reactions in my lower body... I am still not sure why they didn't test my upper body, but I think doctors know what they are doing.... maybe.... Those results will come the 28th-ish. Left side was weaker than the right side, and left eye is screwy not the right eye, left side of the mouth is crooked but the right is straight, I wonder what side of my brain I use more.

Fixed a baptismal date! Yippee! Candice has been super awesome, but she didn't like faith or God at the beginning, but now she loves it all. :) Good times here on the mission. She is expected to enter the waters of baptism next Saturday the 23rd, so I am super stoked for that!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D !!! :D :D :D !!!! :D :D :D 

Well, that's all.

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Another Week Of Life‏


In all honesty, I am writing you because you all deserve to know that I am alive each week, and that I am still loving my mission. It is just hard to come up with new material each week... We have the same few investigators that we have had for a while, but no substantial progress with them. We are surely moving towards a few baptismal dates, just waiting for faith to outweigh doubts. We have pretty amazing people being taught, and I don't know why some of them have doubts, but that seems to be the normal scenario with investigators. 

Elder Jorgensen and I have moved into the apartment across the street from the MTC, in Wymount. That happened this morning around 5:30, as we were doing laundry and preparing to go to the Temple. We have made it our plan to start making at least one meal a day since the MTC food is wreaking havoc on our weight... Plus, the walk to and from the apartment will help us exercise more than we currently are. It seems to be a good move, nice change of pace. 

On the plus side here they have given me loads of French emails to respond to, and they seem to have much prospect, downside being that I noticed how weak I was in the writing of the French language. Speaking was a whole different story, but I didn't write many things down in Africa, and even if I had the people wouldn't have been able to really understand due to the illiteracy. I do miss the ability to speak with someone everyday in French, but if I can work on mastering the written that will make a big difference for me too.

There is someone on our Temple shift from Accra, and he spoke a little Ewe, so I was able to rap that with him today! That was super fun. 

No updates on my health as of yet, I have a doctor's appointment on Monday where they will do a nerve conduction test, and hopefully shed some more light on the situation. I feel as though the weather has been teasing me, and I am fully wanting winter to start already... is it a little too much to ask for snow in August? 

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Les Neurologistes Sont Nuls ;)‏

Dearest Friends and Family,

Another week into the obscure, and loving it as it adds adventure, thrill and uncertainty to the future. :) This obscurity is in reference to title of this email, because I went to see another doctor, and yet another day where they don't know what is wrong with me. Rumors and hushes seem to still want to send me away, but in my humble-stubborn-contradictory attitude I refuse. They have decided that this week they will do an evaluation of my nerves by shooting electricity through them and seeing how well they conduct and react.

We have been having quite a bit of success here in the mission, like previously mentioned, we had a baptism last Saturday, the one for this week pushed it back a week so his cousin can baptize him, and then we have a large pool of investigators that are progressing really nicely. There are the ups and downs to all those that we teach, doubt, discouragement, opposition, but these people seem to have great spirits that the Lord has prepared for a while. I cannot guarantee that they will all enter into the covenant of baptism, but they appear to me that they will seriously consider it. ;) 

I guess you all want to know what we did for the Fourth of July here in the MTC, it was nothing big, but we had a sweet little talent show. There were fiddlers and singers and pianists and speakers and flags and a large crowd of peculiarly dressed people with matching black badges and then there was a cool movie thing (those are those things on film with a beginning, middle, and end) and then we watched a couple of firework things and then ate some dark chocolate dove ice cream bar and then I ran out of things to say following "and then". (Pic 915: RC 4th of July Night looking out the window at exploding colors in the night sky.) 

Today we went to the MMMH! Anybody want to guess what that means? :D "Museum of Mexican Mormon History"! It was intriguing, and it kind of reminded me of how awesome it is to be a part of an ever-growing and living Church. I love seeing how far the Church has come! I love imagining how far it will go! I love just being a small part in the growth of the Church, but huge in some people's lives (not tooting my own horn). I just love to know that I have helped, and from the help I have received in my life from testimonies of those that love the Lord and me.  (Pic 921: The Mission outside MMMH.) 

I love you all, sorry if this isn't super interesting, but it is all good. Just know that I love my mission! I really love everyday! I hope you have an amazing week ya'll!

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

A Week's Toil, and An Eternity's Wages‏

Hello Everyone,

I guess I will start out with a few thank you notes to Lisa Clark's package and the visit from the Grahams. Thank you all so much! :) 

I will now talk about the worst part (maybe second worst part) of the week. So, since we all know that I came here to work in the Referral Center because of health issues, they were trying to decide between urological issues and neurological issues. They decided that they needed a scope of my bladder, and the good news is that they know it isn't due to any urological reasons.... one uncomfortable procedure later.

I guess a highlight from this week would be when Elder Ballard came and spoke to us on Tuesday night. He made a clear cut message that we need to learn to have faith in the Prophets and Apostles, even when things seem foggy and we don't fully understand why. It meant a lot to me when he left the promise, "we will not and cannot lead you astray." I had never questioned the Apostles, sure I don't understand everything that they do, but I realize now that the mysteries of God are revealed unto them, if I automatically through these revelations under the bus I do not have the chance of knowing why the are, nor will I benefit from the blessings attached. 

It has been great fun as I have been able to teach an African, it keeps Benin and Togo close to the heart. I am relatively glad that I went French speaking in Africa to learn from scratch the language, the English that I encounter is so hard to understand that I would have lost what I have grown to appreciate in the English language. In French it was harder to notice how hard the hit was from lack of educational opportunities, but the English has been clear. I love the African people, and I see ever more clearly just how much the gospel will allow them to expand and to grow if they make scripture study, prayer, and going to Church top on their priorities. (Scripture study I guarantee will bless all that struggle with illiteracy or seek to improve their ability to read and to write.)

There have been excellent investigators that we have found and taught this week, those precious souls that have been ripened and prepared through the loving and nurturing hand of the Lord. It is awesome when you see the answers to the problems in life are found through what you have been blessed to have your entire life. It is a blessing to have been born into the covenant, to have been blessed with a window open just long enough for me to sneak into mortality in the right conditions. There are struggles and doubts that come to all of us, but knowing where we are is on sure ground, we know that we can withstand.

Oh, by the way, the Czechs have this really delicious thingamabob called a "kolaches!" Found this place off of Center Street in Provo, yummy! 

I love working in the Temple too! It is such a wonderful and serene experience being able to help others in that unique and special way. Being able to surround myself in the beauty of the Temple each week is a strength that all of us should do our best to utilize. As you return to the Father's home here on earth, you are able to revitalize the Spirit that is within you. Your mind and heart are set at ease from the trials and tribulations of the world. It is the perfect way to finish off a week! 

Thank you all for the emails this week! It is always great to hear from you! I love you all, and I hope that you find more time to give back to the Lord. Find a minute to quietly contemplate a scripture, a conference talk, or participate in an ordinance at the Temple. Don't think that the things of this world will matter more in the moment, I found that it is in the moments that you think something is more important than those things that you most need them. Humble yourself and overcome the thoughts that work, school, or other things are more important temporarily that the Lord, you are sadly mistaken. Fruit for the thought. Love you all once again!

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Finding People Is Hard‏

Friends and Family,

This week hasn't been very productive, we have had to spend long hours taking the chats, but it just seems that this week's batch of visitors consisted of not so sincere seekers of the truth. Perhaps summer isn't the best time to be relying on the internet to find new people to teach since near the end it becomes more and more full of people just wanting to waste time and have a kick from doing it. I remember back in Be-Kpota I was getting tired of doing OVB (tracting) because it was the same streets and the same people that we saw all the time, and they became people that I would just wave to and talk with briefly, here it is a different story because you never know who you are going to meet. Sure, the same questions get tiring: "Why can't women hold the priesthood?" "Why did God change His mind about the blacks and the priesthood?" "If I join your church how many wives do I get?" "You know you are bigots, don't you?".... in Africa, these questions didn't matter to them. I would have figured that the continent affected by the withholding of the priesthood would have more to say about it, but it seems that here in America they are more upset over it...

I guess this week I am grateful for living prophets that allow us to know God's will, and share with us direction and counsel from the heavens. I couldn't imagine trying to interpret the eternal truths without faith and a testimony that these men have truly been called of God to lead His children. The world lacks faith, they want answers and they demand that they be given to them. In today's culture the response "I don't know" is rejected and deemed as though it means all evidence and knowledge elsewhere is void.  In my studies I found an answer to how to teach, and how to become a living example of the word:

 D&C 19:29-33
29 And thou shalt declare glad tidings, yea, publish it upon the mountains, and upon every high place, and among every people that thou shalt be permitted to see.
 30 And thou shalt do it with all humility, trusting in me, reviling not against revilers.
 31 And of tenets thou shalt not talk, but thou shalt declare repentance and faith on the Savior, and remission of sins by baptism, and by fire, yea, even the Holy Ghost.
 32 Behold, this is a great and the last commandment which I shall give unto you concerning this matter; for this shall suffice for thy daily walk, even unto the end of thy life.
 33 And misery thou shalt receive if thou wilt slight these counsels, yea, even the destruction of thyself and property.

2 Timothy 2:23-26
23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.
 24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
 25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
 26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

We spend too much time arguing over points that are useless to eternal salvation, and we act as though we have something to prove, but we don't! The Spirit is there to strive with man so long as they are sincere, we will never be the ones to convince of the eternal principles. Be faithful and patient to allow the world to be the same. We share our message, but we cannot, should not, and hopefully do not shove it down people's throats. 

Elder Eberle left this morning. He had finished up his two years and is off to start a new adventure. He is a great friend and missionary, and it is always sad to see a friend leave home. We have now seven full-time Referral Center Elders. It is a challenge to live and work in such close quarters with the same people day in and day out, but we become friends and help each other learn and grow. I struggle and grow each day, and it is well worth it. I know without a doubt that the Lord loves me, and that He is mindful of me and my needs. As I struggle or doubt I feel His gentle instruction to give me courage and faith to press on. I know that we can all find the answers relevant to our needs, the Lord will give us the milk before the meat, but we must be patient. I can say that I am quite carnivorous, and that hinders my patience in many instances. I am weak, but I feel borrowed strength lifting me above my means, and it is something I very much appreciate! I love the Lord, and I hope that each of you become mindful of His Almighty hand in your lives, "count your blessings" and the days go on. Love you all! Have a great week!

(Img 1175- Pretty Sunset witnessed this week) 

(Img 1184- Selfie with Elder Heslop and Elder Eberle, in the middle) 

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Super Awkward Tired/Stupid Moment....‏

Hey Sorry for the third email....

WE HAD A BAPTISM!!! He is awesome! He and his wife, and later this year he will baptize his daughter when she turns 7! Please forgive me! He is the best! 

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Huckleberry Finn and the New Era Finding pt. 1‏

Hey Everybody!

The week hasn't been too exciting.... but it actually has been! ;)

We had three activities that were awesome! I am super exhausted, so I will only go into them briefly, and I will explain the title. 

First Activity: Eyring Space Thingy at BYU! (Img 1005) 
We went to watch a cool space program thing, awesome comfortable chairs, though a huge Webelos and youth group showed up and made us feel like old farts. Space is mesmerizing! Can't imagine the immensity of space, but it was entertaining as the host put in the religious plug on how it opens his eyes to the infinity that is God.

Second Activity: J-Dawgs for Elder Eberle's Au Revoir! (Img 1018)
It is sad to see Elder Eberle leaving this week, today was his last P-day. :/ We went to J-Dawgs and he was revered by us the other missionaries. :) President Nally and President White were there to tell us memorable experiences about their old folk memories and missions. J-Dawgs delicious! Two is a bit over zealous... But taking upon myself the disposition to "go hard"!

Third Activity: Picnic at the Duck Pond! (Img 1164 in next email....)
We had a nice relaxing P-day with handmade sandwiches. Plenty of football, people in wheelchairs diving about, and a 15 year old taking pictures for her cuinsinyiera (sp? Spanish NOT my strong suit). We saw Master Chief, Spider Man, Captain America (woman), and Katniss. BYU was doing some kind of Comic Con. 

The Title:  We were finding people in the shade of trees! (Img 1007 in next email....)
Elder Jorgensen and I have been tired of the office life, so to change the pace we went outside to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and wifi! Some commodities of the mission are well appreciated! :D 

LIfe is good! Loving those that I teach and teach me. I thank you all for your prayers and your love! Have a great week!
Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

Service to the Lord‏

Salvation Everybody! ;)

Well this week I am experiencing a new way of typing out a letter. We went on a little road trip to help the Sisters get some things done, so Elder Eberle, Elder Jorgensen and I were so kind to wait in the car for them to finish up a few things. My iPad and the keyboard that my mom sent me came in handy! :)

It has been a fun week, things that have been exciting, and watching the progress of the work go forth. We have had a bit of a dry spell with finding new investigators, all that came on to talk with us through chats have all seemed to be there for the sole purpose of attacking, degrading, demeaning, insulting, and rebuking the beliefs that I had near and dear. I can understand people coming to ask questions, or learn more, and after that disagreeing, but when one's objective is to come to destroy one's self-esteem and faith, you will never be alright in my books. My stress this week has been to develop Christlike attributes, patience namely.

As I get more acquainted and frequented with those of other faiths, I am very let down. I love new people, and I respect other's beliefs and faiths, I just can't comprehend people that come with fists swinging and they expect that they will win the fight. I like to imagine them as drunken and distorted brawlers that don't know who their enemy is nor why they are even fighting, they wake up in the morning and say "I feel like fighting!" I turn plenty of cheeks, but I stand my ground. The perk to the Referral Center is that you get investigators and interactions from all walks of life that allows your abilities to expand exponentially. The things I learned in Africa have helped me loads, but I learn each and every day more ways to teach and express myself, so I am so grateful for that.

We have some pretty amazing investigators, though they are complex. To be honest, I love each of them and their lives. They consistently teach me more about myself, about the world, and about God's love. Being responsible for teaching this gospel to these amazing people has helped me rely more upon the Spirit than ever before. These are things that I realized in Africa as well, but I have always been a slow-leaner in change. I have a stubborn disposition and I have been praying to grow. We have two investigators that have best friends that are Mormons already, both now serving missions, and so they are trying to understand why they would give up everything to go and serve. Funnily enough, people don't understand it as we explain.

The Spirit is an intriguing Person. He seems to make things so crystal clear to you as you experience life and yearn for self-bettering, but it doesn't always click in someone else if they don't have these same desires and experiences. In science, as they do tests, they require a constant to measure or prove the change that is occurring, that is what we are providing to these people's lives. As we involve the Spirit, through prayer, scripture study, and church, they recognize the blessings that come to us. We learn from these constants the benefits, promises, and verity of the gospel. As you remove any of these three things you will slowly but surely see them vanishing.

Today, as the Provo Temple is closed, we were given the opportunity to perform a unique service as a mission. We went to the Foodcare Coalition in south Provo, and we made sack lunches for the homeless.
Peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, granola bars, chips, fruit, and some Tampico! It was super fun and awesome! The last time I was at this place was for Matt Woodruff's Eagle project. They were two different experiences, but the same satisfying reward of feeling the approval of The Lord for our loving service to God's children.
There was a High Council member there, and he emphasized the point of the service being directly unto Christ. I think at the beginning there was a unanimous feeling that he was "overselling", but by the end of it, with sincerity, I know that what we were able to do was something simple and great. The Lord loves us serving one another, simple acts of kindness and love, and He will make us the blessings of Heaven distilling out upon the children of God.

I know beyond words that this work is true. I am grateful for the minutes and seconds that I spend on the mission. I am using borrowed time, time that I owe to many wonderful and loving leaders that helped me get to where I am, prayers of friends and families, words of encouragement, and the gift from God of testimony that push me day in and day out. Sadly I rest imperfect, but as I said earlier, I pray to be better each day. I love my mission.

I thank all of you for all you do to support me, and the work of The Lord in whatever facets you contribute. I love you all!

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

It Has Been A While... again....

It Has Been A While... again....

To: Alex Wagstaff, Ali Shay Trevenen, Amalia Castelli Barrow, The Armonds, Athena Trevenen, aubrey phillips, Austin Hopkins, Ben Portwood, Brett Przybyla, Brianne H., Dallin Wilcox, DAWI!!!, Eden Jerome, Elder Antonio Sanchez (Madagascar), Elder Austin Hopkins, Elder Austin Jorgensen, Elder Corey Kimzey, Elder Daryl Kent, Elder Hernandez (Montreal), Elder Joe Sneddon, Elder Kirk Palmer, Elder M. Rybin, Elder Matthew Woodruff, Elder Mckay Peck (Madagascar), Elder Mosiah Castrejon (Montreal/Oxnard), Elder Preston Hale, Elder Zachary Ringle,, Hermana Aubrey Snelson, Jared Rossean, Jessy Haggard, Joshua Lynch, Macy Hale, Mama Hale, Mary Murphy, Matthew Haggard, President Graham, President Weed, Raphael Magre, Ruth Ann Wagstaff, Scott Thomas, Sister Ali McPhee, Sister Harding, Soeur Herrera, Soeur Kimmy Tribe (Montreal), Soeur Page Edwards (Madagascar), Timothy Sheets, Trevor Hawkins, Z J, The Zimbelmans,
Dear Friends and Family,
Well, I am here in the Referral Center, smack-dab in the heart of Provo. It is awesome! This email will hopefully catch you all up on what has been going on with me and my mission.
Well, I got sick in Africa (something I highly recommend you avoid) which in turn led to me needing to either go home, or be reassigned. The latter required a bit of work to pull-off, but in the end I am here in the Referral Center with a testimony much like that of Nephi, showing the tender mercies of the Lord in my life. Here in the Referral Center we are trying still to figure out what exactly is wrong with me, aside from the obvious shortcomings that you all see, which means that i am frequently visiting doctors and whatnot. In the week and a half that I have been here I have had 2 MRIs, 1 CT scan, 1 Ultrasound, given quite a bit of blood and urine, and am now trying to get in with a neurologist which could take a bit of time. 
I left Benin June 3rd, for a super long airplane ride from Cotonou to Abidjan, Abidjan to Brussels, Brussels to Chicago, and Chicago to SLC. It was a strange experience since I found myself more comfortable talking to all those that didn't speak English as a first language, it started with the Congolais from Brazzaville that I spoke to in French, then the girl from Budapest that tried to teach me some Hungarian with her broken English. It felt so strange to be heading back to the US, but not to the end of my mission. I had always imagined (and fervently decided at the beginning of my mission) that I would not get on a plane unless it was to send me home at the end, when all was said and done. It is encouraging to know that the Lord had other plans for me, something that would be my personal trial that needed overcoming. Perhaps it is a bit cynical, but I now seem to look at trials and difficulties as God shaping my personal path and allowing me to learn and grow. 
I got to the RC on June 4th, where I met up with my new companion Elder Jorgensen and a lot of the awesome Elders here in the Referral Center. It was a great time being reunited with a lot of the Elders that were here before I left, so I still felt right at home and able to hit the ground running. I loved the fact that I was able to go through the Temple last Saturday, been such a long time and it was such a powerful experience. I am, today, going to be set apart to work in the Temple, which to me sounds amazing. The Referral Center is full of so many miracles and opportunities that I am awestruck in thinking that I am blessed with the chance to work here alongside these wonderful missionaries.
We experience the struggles of any mission here, but it seems like we are sought out by the angry and aggressive so we recycle through them more. It is fun, and it really allows you to research and understand the doctrine of the Church that is often mistaken and misrepresented. 

Today we went up to Sundance to have a go on the lift there! It was fun, but most that know me know that I am terrified of heights, so there were moments where I was discomforted. It was fun to spend P-day as a district (and entire mission) though we lacked two due to illness. 

Yeah, I do miss Africa, it is kind of a heartbreak to have had to leave, but I am still blessed with the opportunity to serve the Lord in this unique way. I am grateful to so many people that have helped me in getting where I am today, and I will continue to do my all to not let you down. I love you very much! Thank you for the prayers, and to avoid sounding greedy, I would love for them to keep coming.

There are many ups and downs to life, they keep coming, but I know now that I can do nothing save it be with the help of the Lord. If I didn't have Him on my side I would have given up a long time ago.The Lord wants me to be here, despite whatever pains or heartbreaks that come, so I will not let Him down. Remember Saturday is P-day for emailing me! 

The beautiful mountains that I have missed.

Me and Elder Jorgensen (he is from San Antonio, Texas.)

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604