Sunday, September 14, 2014

Simply Stated

Hey Friends and Family,

I guess this week will focus on the email that I have received from my Mission President, which stated: 

"Elder Haggard,
 The 16th of September will be your departure date.
 Dr. Brown and I have carefully reviewed your medical condition and both agree that it’s best to medically release you and get you to a qualified specialist near your new home in California.  We understand you have an appointment with a Pudendal Nerve Specialist in Southern California on the 29th of September, and request you keep that appointment."
I have one more week of my mission... I will be going home to Oxnard to seek out the medical attention required. It is difficult, but it is something that we all feel necessary to help fix whatever is wrong with my nerves. Thank you everyone for your love and support. I will have another Saturday here on the mission, so if you have questions or things like that for me by next week, feel free to write. Love you all!

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

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