Sunday, September 14, 2014

Another Week Of Life‏


In all honesty, I am writing you because you all deserve to know that I am alive each week, and that I am still loving my mission. It is just hard to come up with new material each week... We have the same few investigators that we have had for a while, but no substantial progress with them. We are surely moving towards a few baptismal dates, just waiting for faith to outweigh doubts. We have pretty amazing people being taught, and I don't know why some of them have doubts, but that seems to be the normal scenario with investigators. 

Elder Jorgensen and I have moved into the apartment across the street from the MTC, in Wymount. That happened this morning around 5:30, as we were doing laundry and preparing to go to the Temple. We have made it our plan to start making at least one meal a day since the MTC food is wreaking havoc on our weight... Plus, the walk to and from the apartment will help us exercise more than we currently are. It seems to be a good move, nice change of pace. 

On the plus side here they have given me loads of French emails to respond to, and they seem to have much prospect, downside being that I noticed how weak I was in the writing of the French language. Speaking was a whole different story, but I didn't write many things down in Africa, and even if I had the people wouldn't have been able to really understand due to the illiteracy. I do miss the ability to speak with someone everyday in French, but if I can work on mastering the written that will make a big difference for me too.

There is someone on our Temple shift from Accra, and he spoke a little Ewe, so I was able to rap that with him today! That was super fun. 

No updates on my health as of yet, I have a doctor's appointment on Monday where they will do a nerve conduction test, and hopefully shed some more light on the situation. I feel as though the weather has been teasing me, and I am fully wanting winter to start already... is it a little too much to ask for snow in August? 

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

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