Sunday, September 14, 2014

It Has Been A While... again....

It Has Been A While... again....

To: Alex Wagstaff, Ali Shay Trevenen, Amalia Castelli Barrow, The Armonds, Athena Trevenen, aubrey phillips, Austin Hopkins, Ben Portwood, Brett Przybyla, Brianne H., Dallin Wilcox, DAWI!!!, Eden Jerome, Elder Antonio Sanchez (Madagascar), Elder Austin Hopkins, Elder Austin Jorgensen, Elder Corey Kimzey, Elder Daryl Kent, Elder Hernandez (Montreal), Elder Joe Sneddon, Elder Kirk Palmer, Elder M. Rybin, Elder Matthew Woodruff, Elder Mckay Peck (Madagascar), Elder Mosiah Castrejon (Montreal/Oxnard), Elder Preston Hale, Elder Zachary Ringle,, Hermana Aubrey Snelson, Jared Rossean, Jessy Haggard, Joshua Lynch, Macy Hale, Mama Hale, Mary Murphy, Matthew Haggard, President Graham, President Weed, Raphael Magre, Ruth Ann Wagstaff, Scott Thomas, Sister Ali McPhee, Sister Harding, Soeur Herrera, Soeur Kimmy Tribe (Montreal), Soeur Page Edwards (Madagascar), Timothy Sheets, Trevor Hawkins, Z J, The Zimbelmans,
Dear Friends and Family,
Well, I am here in the Referral Center, smack-dab in the heart of Provo. It is awesome! This email will hopefully catch you all up on what has been going on with me and my mission.
Well, I got sick in Africa (something I highly recommend you avoid) which in turn led to me needing to either go home, or be reassigned. The latter required a bit of work to pull-off, but in the end I am here in the Referral Center with a testimony much like that of Nephi, showing the tender mercies of the Lord in my life. Here in the Referral Center we are trying still to figure out what exactly is wrong with me, aside from the obvious shortcomings that you all see, which means that i am frequently visiting doctors and whatnot. In the week and a half that I have been here I have had 2 MRIs, 1 CT scan, 1 Ultrasound, given quite a bit of blood and urine, and am now trying to get in with a neurologist which could take a bit of time. 
I left Benin June 3rd, for a super long airplane ride from Cotonou to Abidjan, Abidjan to Brussels, Brussels to Chicago, and Chicago to SLC. It was a strange experience since I found myself more comfortable talking to all those that didn't speak English as a first language, it started with the Congolais from Brazzaville that I spoke to in French, then the girl from Budapest that tried to teach me some Hungarian with her broken English. It felt so strange to be heading back to the US, but not to the end of my mission. I had always imagined (and fervently decided at the beginning of my mission) that I would not get on a plane unless it was to send me home at the end, when all was said and done. It is encouraging to know that the Lord had other plans for me, something that would be my personal trial that needed overcoming. Perhaps it is a bit cynical, but I now seem to look at trials and difficulties as God shaping my personal path and allowing me to learn and grow. 
I got to the RC on June 4th, where I met up with my new companion Elder Jorgensen and a lot of the awesome Elders here in the Referral Center. It was a great time being reunited with a lot of the Elders that were here before I left, so I still felt right at home and able to hit the ground running. I loved the fact that I was able to go through the Temple last Saturday, been such a long time and it was such a powerful experience. I am, today, going to be set apart to work in the Temple, which to me sounds amazing. The Referral Center is full of so many miracles and opportunities that I am awestruck in thinking that I am blessed with the chance to work here alongside these wonderful missionaries.
We experience the struggles of any mission here, but it seems like we are sought out by the angry and aggressive so we recycle through them more. It is fun, and it really allows you to research and understand the doctrine of the Church that is often mistaken and misrepresented. 

Today we went up to Sundance to have a go on the lift there! It was fun, but most that know me know that I am terrified of heights, so there were moments where I was discomforted. It was fun to spend P-day as a district (and entire mission) though we lacked two due to illness. 

Yeah, I do miss Africa, it is kind of a heartbreak to have had to leave, but I am still blessed with the opportunity to serve the Lord in this unique way. I am grateful to so many people that have helped me in getting where I am today, and I will continue to do my all to not let you down. I love you very much! Thank you for the prayers, and to avoid sounding greedy, I would love for them to keep coming.

There are many ups and downs to life, they keep coming, but I know now that I can do nothing save it be with the help of the Lord. If I didn't have Him on my side I would have given up a long time ago.The Lord wants me to be here, despite whatever pains or heartbreaks that come, so I will not let Him down. Remember Saturday is P-day for emailing me! 

The beautiful mountains that I have missed.

Me and Elder Jorgensen (he is from San Antonio, Texas.)

Elder Robert Haggard

Referral Center Mission
2007 North 900 East unit #80
Provo, Utah 84604

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